Nomadic Trekking Tours

For a short stay , you can share the lives of the Iranian nomads. Staying with these gentle people will heal you of all the stress of busy city life. It will heal you mentally, physically and spiritually in a way that modern medicine cannot provide. We will try to help you to let go of all the stress in you.
Of all the nomads in the world, the noble nomads of Iran are having a special status. The presence of untouched natural beauty ,the hospitality of the people, with their unique traditions ,will without doubt, leave an everlasting impression on the people with their busy city life. When they return to their real life , the experiences with the gentle nomads of Iran , will stay in their heart and mind.

The presence of nomads such as the QashQai , Bakhtiyari , Shahsavan , Balooch , Kurd and Turkmen provide a unique and rich resource that can be used for research, discovery and gaining peace of mind.
We can arrange individual stays according to your wishes Whatever you have in mind, we will help you to realize your dream vacation. You can also choose from the above scheduled tours. Please consult us and without any doubt , we will be able to find the perfect nomadic adventure for you.